5 Things You Want to Know If You Have Knee Pain

  1. Three factors play a role in knee pain: structural, biomechanical and environmental. Structural means damage, biomechanical means abnormal tracking or loading within a joint or tendon because of misalignment, weakness, and/or inflexibility. Environmental typically means inflammation within the joint or tendon. When formulating a treatment plan for you, we typically want to address one or two of these factors initially. Unless you have major damage, we’re normally not treating structure initially, as that results in a surgery.

  2. Age often plays a role in these different factors: in the absence of injury, in patients under 20 years of age, the problem tends to be biomechanical. In patients ages 20 to 40, the problem tends to be biomechanical and inflammatory. In patients older than 40, structural, biomechanical and inflammatory are typically all playing a role.

  3. Being proactive in the care of your knee problem usually produces better outcomes than being reactive. This means integrating treatments early on and not waiting until you have major pain or disability to see a physician. We term this “PIO,” Proactive Interventional Orthopedics.

  4. Meniscus tears are commonly found on MRIs and may or may not be a source of pain. For decades, the trend was to treat these surgically, typically arthroscopically, removing the torn piece of meniscus. There’s now a trend towards repairing the meniscus tear, when possible, but only about 10% can be successfully repaired. Thus, surgery for meniscus tears, especially those age 40 and above, is becoming less popular. On occasion, surgery is the better choice, but treating these initially nonsurgically is usually the best way to start. We often tell patients “a little torn meniscus is better than less meniscus,” especially long term. Less meniscus often equals greater arthritis.

  5. Three types of injections can be used for most knee problems: steroid, hyaluronic acid, and orthobiologics. Orthobiologics include platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell injections. Each of these injections can be reasonably good choices, but for long-term success, PRP is likely your best option in terms of producing favorable outcomes, modifying the disease process, and these are often the most cost-effective option. Now, we are adding protein concentrate to many PRP injections, utilizing your excess plasma that we previously would just discard. Stay away from “stem cell” injections that are ordered by physician’s or chiropractic offices and do not come from you own bone marrow or fat. These are often being used inappropriately, and patients are charged exorbitant amounts of money to have these injections.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

PRP: Natural/Holistic, Preventative & Effective

The trend we are seeing is in so many patients is their desire to treat their medical conditions with something more natural, less invasive, safe, effective and preventative. Well, platelet-rich plasma injections really check all of these boxes.

PRP injections have been a part of our treatment regimen for many conditions now for 15 years! Thus, PRP is not some trendy, gimmicky, unproven type of therapy.

If you have knee osteoarthritis and it’s not to the point of requiring a knee replacement, then PRP is probably your most effective option to relieve pain, improve function and stop or slow the deterioration of cartilage in your joint. Unfortunately, steroid (cortisone) and hyaluronic acid (the “gel” injections) do not have this preventative benefit of protecting your cartilage.

Of course, we believe in total body care, so physical therapy, bracing, weight loss, a customized exercise regimen, an anti-inflammatory pattern of eating and certain supplements can all play a very valuable role in treating your pain and osteoarthritis.

If you have a chronic tendon problem such as of the rotator cuff, the Achilles tendon, tennis or golfer’s elbow or plantar fasciitis, then PRP can actually heal these conditions. Steroid injections, on the other hand, often provide more rapid pain relief for these conditions, yet are almost always inferior to PRP injections in studies looking at these patients 6-12 months after these injections. Meaning, if your long-term goal is healing and persistent pain relief, then PRP is the better option.

Want to know more? Check out some of our blogs:

Insurance Companies Say PRP Is Experimental…We Sigh — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

Five Keys to Successful Outcomes with PRP Injections — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

PRP And The Three "Es" — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

If you want to take the next step to help yourself in 2025, then let us be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Harness the Power of Protein Concentrate Added to your PRP

We are always finding innovative ways to help our patients, especially those with osteoarthritis. Platelet-Rich Plasma injections have been very successful, yet now we have another option to boost the benefits of PRP. We call this “Protein Concentrate.” By filtering the additional plasma after your blood is centrifuged, we are able to trap a high concentration of proteins that can also significantly relieve the symptoms of OA and potentially slow the deterioration of the cartilage in the joint. Two of these proteins are Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M) and Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IL-1ra).

A2M is the key to slowing the progression of osteoarthritis. A2M is a powerful chemical in destroying proteins that cause arthritis that captures and inactivates the three major chemicals that lead to joint breakdown and cartilage damage. It is also reported that A2M can act as a powerful anti-inflammatory and aid in pain management.

Research on IL-1ra has shown that it also plays a role in slowing the progression of osteoarthritis in joints.  

Who should consider adding Protein Concentrate to their PRP injections? We believe that those with repetitive swelling in the joint are the most likely to benefit from the addition of the protein concentrate to the PRP.

Want to know more about PRP?

Learn about the key details of PRP here

How is PRP simple and not-so-simple? Read here

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

PRP For Knee Pain: Almost A No-Brainer

Knee pain is often caused by a meniscus tear, osteoarthritis, patellar tendinopathy, low-grade ACL or MCL sprain or some combination of these.

Don’t want surgery, don’t need surgery or already had surgery with a less than satisfactory outcome?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) has been a star in the world of orthopedics, particularly as it pertains to knee conditions.

Once considered experimental, this innovative, minimally-invasive treatment using your own blood and concentrated growth factors is now is becoming a standard-of-care treatment for many knee conditions.

Over 45 studies have demonstrated clinically significant benefit in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA). The overwhelming majority of studies demonstrate that PRP is more effective in the long-term when compared to steroid or hyaluronic acid injections for knee OA.

Want something safe, natural, effective, and a disease-modifying intervention that will relieve pain, improve function, provide stability and/or healing for tissues that can be done in the office? Then PRP can be a great option for you.

I've been giving ultrasound-guided PRP injections for 15 years. I’ve spent countless hours on the educational process, training and fine-tuning of techniques to make this a excellent option for our patients. I’ve been a patient myself, receiving PRP for shoulder and knee conditions and I've experienced the success firsthand.

Want to know more about PRP?

Learn about the key details of PRP here

How is PRP simple and not-so-simple? Read here

If you think you may be a candidate or want to discuss further, then

come see us. We are always happy to help!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

PRP: The Details Matter. Give Us 3 Minutes

More practices than ever are offering platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to their patients, especially those with osteoarthritis, tennis and golfer’s elbow, partial rotator cuff tears, Achilles and patellar tendonopathy and plantar fasciitis, just to name a few.

We often say, “not all PRP is the same.” There are so many details that go into the success rate of the injections. On that subject, how do you define success? Less pain, better function, healing of damaged tissue and/or the slowing of the deterioration of cartilage, especially in osteoarthritis. PRP can truly be a disease-modifying treatment, not just something to make you temporarily feel better.

Now, what details really matter?

  • Experience of the physician: how long has he/she been giving PRP injections

  • Accuracy of the injection: ultrasound-guidance is paramount

  • Amount of blood used to produce the PRP: we’ve learned that a higher volume of blood is likely necessary to produce the optimal number of platelets

  • Creation of the PRP: constructing the optimal amount of PRP to inject for each condition. Creating a mixture either rich in leukocytes (white blood cells) or poor in leukocytes

  • Providing the best recommendations regarding what medications and supplements should be temporarily stopped before and after the injections

  • Providing the best recommendations regarding restrictions (use of a boot, crutches, bracing, type of rest) after the PRP

  • Deciding upon the optimal number and frequency of injections to give

  • Working with a physician who is frequently involved in medical education on the topic of orthobiologic injections, including PRP

  • Working with a physician who is transparent and communicative regarding outcomes, expectations and cost

If truth be told, only a few physicians in Middle Tennessee implement all of these details when it comes to PRP injections.

So, if you think you are candidate for this very natural, quite effective, and minimally-invasive treatment, then come see us!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Do I Need a Knee Replacement?

Your 55 year-old knee is hurting and your brain immediately asks the question, “Do I need a knee replacement?”

An x-ray demonstrates moderate to severe osteoarthritis and thus, it’s time for a knee replacement, right? Not necessarily. It’s amazing how many patients have severe findings on their x-rays but minimal to mild pain and excellent function. Therefore, we always say, “Treat the patient, not the x-ray.”

Ok, now your pain has been running 5-7 out of 10 for weeks to months. Therefore, it’s time for a knee replacement, right? Well, pain is certainly a factor in this decision; however, we have many nonsurgical tools in the toolbox that will reduce or eliminate pain for extended periods of time.

Finally, you’ve been episodically limping now for several weeks. You suppose it’s time for a replacement, right? Persistent dysfunction is another reason to have a knee replacement, but function can often be significantly improved without the need for surgery.

To overcome the symptoms and dysfunction of knee arthritis, three factors can be addressed: the environment, the biomechanics and the structure. Only surgery can change the structure, yet significant improvements in the environment and biomechanics can often delay or eliminate the need for knee replacement.

How do we do this? The environment is best changed by injections such as platelet-rich plasma, an anti-inflammatory pattern of eating, supplements and occasionally medications.

The biomechanics can be improved through physical therapy, certain forms of exercise, bracing and changes in footwear.

So in summary, knee replacement can be the right option for many patients and produce successful outcomes in most patients, yet in 80-90% of the patients that walk (or limp) into our office, nonsurgical treatment will be quite effective.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

When It Comes to Osteoarthritis, PRP is the Winner!

Although platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections remain innovative and the science behind and techniques when using them are evolving, they are trending towards the injection of choice, especially in the case of osteoarthritis. Once considered “experimental,” there are now at least 45 studies validating the success of PRP in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. So simply put, why would you choose PRP over a steroid injection or hyaluronic acid for knee osteoarthritis?

-Safer and more natural

-Longer-lasting relief of pain with often 6 months to 2 years of benefit for knee OA

-Most likely PRP is disease-modifying, meaning it is slowing the deterioration of cartilage in your knee

How about a study or two demonstrating these points made above:

PRP and Knee OA- Article 1

PRP and Knee OA- Article 2

Want to know more? Here are a couple of our previous blogs on the topic:



As always, we are here to help! Let us know if we can be of assistance to you.

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Proactive Versus Reactive: Which One Are You Choosing?

We strongly encourage our patients to be proactive with their musculoskeletal health over just being reactive.

Let’s list some examples of the two different approaches:


  1. You’re trying to remain in great shape, yet your knee is starting to ache due to mild osteoarthritis. No surgery is necessary, but you want to do something that not only reduces symptoms, but also protects the knee in the long term that is likely disease-modifying. Thus, a series of platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections will meet those goals. PRP injections are one of the best treatment options for the management of osteoarthritis.

  2. You’re starting to have heel pain when you first get out of bed. You suspect plantar fasciitis. Instead of ignoring the symptoms or simply relying on Dr. Google, you decide to consult with a sports medicine physician, so a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment plan can be constructed and customize for you. You realize an inexpensive ultrasound in the office can confirm this diagnosis, determine severity and help with prognosis. At that visit, you’ll be given numerous treatment options and successfully guided on your ability to continue exercising to maintain good health.

  3. You have daily aches and pains, early arthritis and stiffness, but really don’t want to go on daily medications to manage the symptoms. However, you need some help making lifestyle choices as a pertains to diet, supplements and exercise choices. You understand that friends, family, and the Internet are not the optimal resources. Therefore, you decide to move forward with a physician consult so you may receive advice in great detail regarding the best supplements to choose for your particular situation, how to approach exercise and dietary choices. You understand that it is your physician’s to help you decide between what is fact and what is myth.


  1. Your heel starts to hurt after some longer walks, especially when you first get out of bed. You talk to friends who recommend rolling the heel, stretching the toes and obtaining non-customized orthotics. You continue to walk, but three months later your heel pain is worse and you limp into the doctor’s office wondering what happened. Bottom line, you now have advanced plantar fasciitis. Unfortunately, the advice you’ve received from well-intentioned others has not been the best for you. Presenting to the doctor when the symptoms first developed would’ve given you a much better outcome, as an entirely different set of treatment options would have been suggested.

  2. Your arthritic knee starts to hurt and you see a bit of swelling, but you decide to keep going to the gym, rubbing Biofreeze on it and you add in some heavy yardwork over several weekends, Ultimately, you can barely bend your very swollen knee, and you’re thinking about canceling that trip to see grandkids. Of course, we are here to help you, but we could’ve avoided this major flare if we would have proactively started some treatment as soon as your knee started to ache.

So we ask the question: are you going to be proactive or reactive? Not every little ache or pain that last hours to a few days should prompt a visit to the doctor. However, do not ignore symptoms and instead, do realize that early treatment usually provides better outcomes than waiting until symptoms rise to a moderate or severe level.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

PRP: The Simple and Not So Simple

Many of you are either very familiar or somewhat familiar with platelet-rich plasma injections commonly known as PRP. These are great options for osteoarthritis of a joint, a chronic tendon problem as well as some ligament and fascia problems. Our top conditions treated with PRP include knee osteoarthritis, tennis & golfers’ elbow, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tears and Achilles tendon conditions.

When it comes to PRP, here are the simple and not so simple :


-This is an office procedure, that from start to finish, only takes 45 minutes or less

-A simple blood draw from an arm vein is typically painless

-For a joint injection, pain afterwards is typically very mild

-Risks are exceedingly low as abnormal bleeding, infection, a blood clot or nerve damage are basically nonexistent.

Not So Simple

-We have been performing PRP injections for nearly 15 years. Literally hundreds of hours have been poured into training and fine-tuning the knowledge and skill set it takes to be highly competent to perform this procedure

-Some of our patients have very small veins. Fortunately, we have developed a skill set of ultrasound-guided venipuncture, making blood draws much more successful and less painful on those more challenging patients

-Ultrasound guidance, in our opinion, is a must when giving PRP injections. If you want these growth factor rich platelets to make it to the intended location with great accuracy, then ultrasound guidance is necessary. This is a skill set we have developed over the past 16 years

-With some soft tissue PRP injections, such as partial tears of tendons, we have to prepare our patients that there will be a spike in pain after the procedure, often for one to two weeks. Fortunately, the pain is typically not as significant as it would be if you had a surgery

-Finally, patients have to be patient! PRP exerts its positive effects very gradually. Most patients are seeing a benefit within one to two months, and the maximum benefit often is seen between 6 and 12 months. Thus, we have to advise our patients that with many orthopedic conditions, there is no “quick fix”

Ultimately, PRP can be simple and not so simple, depending on your perspective. Generally speaking, we leave the simple part up to the patient, and we will handle the not so simple aspects of the procedure.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

I Don't Want Surgery But What Else Can I Do?

Fortunately, 90% of problems that come into an orthopedic clinic do not require surgery.

Approximately 80% of those conditions treated nonsurgically can be treated with traditional treatment measures: rest, activity modification, physical therapy, medications, supplements, lifestyle changes, brace, splint, a boot walker, steroid injection, etc. This is “bread and butter“ treatment administered by an orthopedic/sports medicine physician.

Now, what about that last 20% of non-surgical treatment? That’s often where we have to think “outside the box.” Let’s say in the case of osteoarthritis and tendon problems, that’s where treatment like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can be very helpful. For example, in the case of knee osteoarthritis, how would you like to have less pain, less stiffness, less swelling and better function? What if we could accomplish that with a treatment that is minimally-invasive, safe, proven and natural? As a bonus, this treatment has preventative benefits, meaning we likely are slowing down the cartilage breakdown in your knee. These are the benefits seen with PRP injections.

In the case of tendon or fascia problem like a rotator cuff partial tear, tennis or golfer’s elbow or plantar fasciitis, PRP is designed to be a healing agent. We are using these growth-factor rich injections to accomplish healing, not just make you feel better like a steroid injection might.

Check out a few of our previous blogs, and let us know if we can help you!




F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

PRP: The Gift of Health

As we near the major holiday gift-giving season of the year, consider one the best gifts you can give to yourself: the gift of health! Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are a great option for you in 2024 if you are looking to boost your orthopedic health and longevity. Here are 5 great adjectives that apply to PRP injections:

1) Safe: adverse effects and complications associated with PRP injections are exceedingly rare.

2) Effective: 80-90% of our patients that receive PRP injections have very good outcomes and are satisfied with their results.

3) Natural: these injections use your blood, specifically your platelets and your growth factors to exert their positive effects.

4) Proven: once considered experimental, there are now hundreds of studies that demonstrate clinical benefit with PRP injections.

5) Preventative: PRP injections are touted in their ability to prevent many degenerative joint and soft conditions from further deterioration.

Want to know more? Check out some of our blogs:

Insurance Companies Say PRP Is Experimental…We Sigh — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

Five Keys to Successful Outcomes with PRP Injections — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

PRP And The Three "Es" — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

5 Things You Have to Know If You Have Knee Pain

1. Three factors play a role in knee pain: structural, biomechanical and environmental. Structural means damage, biomechanical means abnormal tracking or loading within a joint or tendon because of misalignment, weakness, and/or inflexibility. Environmental typically means inflammation within the joint or tendon. When formulating a treatment plan for you, we typically want to address one or two of these factors initially. Unless you have major damage, we’re normally not treating structure initially, as that results in a surgery.

2. Age often plays a role in these different factors: in the absence of injury, in patients under 20 years of age, the problem tends to be biomechanical. In patients ages 20 to 40, the problem tends to be biomechanical and inflammatory. In patients older than 40, structural, biomechanical and inflammatory are typically all playing a role.

3. Being proactive in the care of your knee problem usually produces better outcomes than being reactive. This means integrating treatments early on and not waiting until you have major pain or disability to see a physician. We term this “PIO,” Proactive Interventional Orthopedics.

4. Meniscus tears are commonly found on MRIs and may or may not be a source of pain. For decades, the trend was to treat these surgically, typically arthroscopically, removing the torn piece of meniscus. There’s now a trend towards repairing the meniscus tear when possible, but only about 10% can be successfully repaired. Thus, surgery for meniscus tears, especially those age 40 and above, is falling out of favor. On occasion, surgery is the better choice, but treating these initially nonsurgically is usually the best way to start. We often tell patients “a little torn meniscus is better than less meniscus,” especially long term. Less meniscus often equals greater arthritis.

5. Three types of injections can be used for most knee problems: steroid, hyaluronic acid, and orthobiologics. Orthobiologics include platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell injections. Each of these injections can be reasonably good choices, but for long-term success, PRP is likely your best option in terms of producing favorable outcomes, modifying the disease process, and these are often the most cost-effective option. Stay away from “stem cell” injections that are ordered by physician’s or chiropractic offices and do not come from you own bone marrow or fat. These are often being used inappropriately, and patients are charged exorbitant amounts of money to have these injections.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Our Top 5 Treatments for Knee OA

Whether it be mild, moderate or severe knee osteoarthritis, here are our top 5 treatments. If you can incorporate these into your regimen, then you undoubtedly will see the benefits of less pain, better function and greater longevity for your knees.

1) Weight Loss: for every 1 pound a person is overweight, an extra 4 pounds of force are going through the knees. So, lose 10 pounds, and you have 40 pounds of less force on those knees. Lose 25 lbs, and 100 fewer lbs. of force! A recent study indicated that when those with knee OA lost 10% of their weight, their pain decreased by 50%

2) Healthy Eating with an Anti-Inflammatory Diet: healthy eating doesn’t always result in weight loss, but choosing the right foods often results in less inflammation in our body. This means less pain and a better environment for the joints. Choose fresh foods over processed ones. Reach for the fresh foods in the refrigerator more than packaged food in the pantry. Eat at home more and go out to restaurants infrequently. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats should be the staples of your diet. Alcohol in moderation. Red meat, fried foods and processed food only on occasion and when necessary. Sodas rarely and watch out for artificial sweeteners.

3) Injections: these are often a faster path to relief for most patients. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections utilizing your own blood and concentrated growth factors are the star of this category. Long-term benefits are most common with PRP. Hyaluronic acid injections (brand names: Orthovisc, Trivisc, Gelsyn, Euflexxa, etc.) are good options for many. At times, we combine the PRP and hyaluronic acid injections to boost the benefits. Steroid injections are the final option and can have great utility when a patient needs to feel better quickly such as during a flare or before a big trip.

4) Exercise/Physical Therapy: choose exercise you like, you will stick to, a variety and types that do not cause pain in your knee, both during and afterwards. Sometimes, it’s not just the type of exercise, but the intensity and duration. Find your “sweet spot,” meaning your knee might feel great if you walk a one mile but hurts if you go further. You can bike for 30 minutes, but beyond that causes swelling. So, stay below your pain threshold. Lower-impact options like biking, elliptical, rowing and swimming/aquatic exercises are often the best choices for most with knee OA. Physical therapy is often a good starting point to strengthen the muscles around the joints and to improve biomechanics, functional movement patterns and flexibility.

5) Supplements: our favorites are collagen, curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric) and for more advanced knee OA, glucosamine and chondroitin. Others like fish oil may have benefits for the joints as well. The key here is choosing a high-quality brand and taking these on daily basis. Admittedly, they don’t help everyone, and you need to make sure that your physician knows you are taking these, especially if you are taking other medications and/or will soon have a medical procedure.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Knee Replacement Soon? Hit the Pause Button...

So many patients with knee osteoarthritis ask me the question “well, if I’m eventually going to require knee replacement, shouldn’t I go ahead and have it done now?”

Well, there’s not just one answer to that question, but here are some of my replies:

-Most knee replacements only last 15 to 25 years. After that, the implants start to loosen, creating pain, swelling or a sense of instability.

-Most patients are at higher risk for surgical complications at the time of a second surgery, known as a “revision,” simply due to their age and likelihood of having more significant medical conditions.

-Surgical techniques are improving with breakthroughs every two or three years. Robotically-assisted replacements and having replacements as an outpatient surgery are two recent examples. More advancements are sure to come.

-One should never base the need to have knee replacement on the appearance of the x-rays. Some patients with “bone-on-bone” arthritis have minimal pain and excellent function. These patients don’t need a replacement.

-What often produces the most pain is an unhealthy environment within the knee joint, some of which may be controlled with injections like platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

-We also believe that PRP may put a stop sign or at least a yellow light on cartilage deterioration. We do not make guarantees about cartilage regrowth, but if we can stabilize a patient’s current cartilage and slow or stop the deterioration, then we are slowing the process of osteoarthritis and perhaps delaying the need for knee replacement.

-For a joint condition like arthritis, we often think of PRP as a maintenance treatment, not just a one-time application. Much like the maintenance for your car, you don’t just take it to the mechanic once or twice and then get a new car. This is an ongoing process.

-Assuming a patient is in that 80% success group with PRP treatments, one should plan on likely having repeat PRP injections every 1 to 2 years. This is a great long-term investment in the health of your knee.

-Want to know more about PRP? Check out this blog:

Five Simple Reasons You Should Consider Platelet-Rich Plasma — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

In summary, for some individuals, knee replacement is inevitable, but there can be great value in delaying this surgery to increase the odds that it is required just once in a patient’s lifetime. For others, treatments like PRP can eliminate the need to have a replacement.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Insurance Companies Say PRP Is Experimental…We Sigh

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections first presented in the orthopedic medical literature in 2004, nearly 20 years ago. Now, new PRP studies hit the orthopedic journals monthly. The overwhelming majority of the evidence suggests that PRP injections are safe, beneficial and have positive effects on soft tissue and joints. Somehow though, insurance companies continue to classify these as “experimental” and will not pay for PRP injections. Thus, these remain cash-pay procedures. PRP injections are not alone, as some of the best procedures now in medicine are not covered by insurance.

PRP is not just used in orthopedics, but also in dentistry, ENT, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, urology, wound healing, cosmetic, hair restoration, cardiothoracic, and maxillofacial surgery. Could all of these specialties be wrong about PRP? I really doubt it.

So, we ask the question: what does it take for something to no longer be classified as experimental? In my opinion, as a physician of 25 years, treatments should no longer be considered experimental if they meet the following basic criteria:

1) They have been used consistently in medicine for 10 years or longer by a reasonably high percentage of specialists in a particular field.

2) Quality studies published in the reputable medical journals demonstrate a clinically significant benefit.

3) Use of a particular treatment steadily grows because of positive results with a low likelihood of adverse events.

If you evaluate PRP with this criteria, then it’s a no-brainer…it is no longer an experimental treatment.

Insurance companies do serve a valuable role in our medical system. Without them, health care would be unaffordable for many Americans. However, the criteria they sometimes use to classify whether a particular treatment or test is covered or not is often very flawed and/or “behind the times.” Here’s a classic example: we could choose to give 10 steroid/cortisone injections into a patient’s knee in just one year, and almost all insurance companies would pay us for each injection. This could be very damaging to the joint, but it would be a “covered” procedure. In contrast, PRP injections, which have been shown to be superior to steroid injections for knee osteoarthritis in dozens of studies, would not be covered by insurance.

So, as a patient, you have to be discerning and partner with a physician who understands what treatment options are best for you. Basing these decisions on what insurance covers can be a short-sighted approach.

In conclusion, both physicians and insurance companies play vital roles in the care of the patient, but these roles are different. I say, “let doctors doctor and administrators administer.” For now, don’t count on a PRP injection to covered by insurance companies any time soon, but that should not deter you from choosing these valuable treatments. Want even more info? Check out one of our recent blogs on the topic:

Why Insurance Does Not Pay For Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections, But Why That Should Not Deter You — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (impactsportsnashville.com)

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you.

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Bet You Didn't Know: Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow, one of the most common conditions seen by an orthopedist, is one our favorite diagnoses to make. Why?…because we are almost always able to see complete resolution of the symptoms. Plus, we have numerous traditional and innovative tools in the toolbox to help our patients overcome this often stubborn and humbling condition. Here are some fast facts about tennis elbow you probably did not know:

-90% of those with tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, do not play tennis. Weight-lifting, frequent typing, CrossFit, repetitive labor in one’s work or with household chores are frequent causes.

-Teenagers almost never get tennis elbow. Why? They have an amazing ability for their tendons to recover much faster and more efficiently than middle age and older individuals.

-Lateral epicondylitis is the medical term for tennis elbow and may be one of the more misnamed conditions in orthopedics. This implies there is inflammation of the bone on the outside of the elbow, but instead, this is a tendon problem.

Patients who receive cortisone/steroid injections are often better in the short term but worse in the long term. Our own experience and the medical literature validates this.

Neovascularization, essentially new blood for vessel formation, commonly occurs in advanced cases of tennis elbow. Increased blood flow seems like it would be a good thing for the tendon, but in reality, is a sign of more advanced tendon damage.

We believe that adjacent to those new blood vessels in the tendon are new nerves that are very hypersensitive and only make you feel pain. This is why many patients with advanced cases of tennis elbow complain of “burning” over the lateral elbow.

Platelet-rich plasma injections, now a commonly used and innovative treatment option for many orthopedic conditions, were first studied in the medical literature about 15 years ago in treating tennis elbow. PRP remains one of our advanced treatment options for tennis elbow.

One of our best treatment options for very stubborn cases of tennis elbow is the Tenex procedure. Not many people know about Tenex because we are one of the few physicians in middle Tennessee who have expertise in performing this procedure. We’ve done it for 11 years, and it involves a tiny incision, local anesthesia only, and use of a small needle-like device to excise the unhealthy part of the tendon. No stitches are required and only about two minutes of actual treatment time in the operating room. It carries a 95% success rate in our experience.

If you have pain on the outside of your elbow that is interfering with your quality of life, then come see us. We will have some great options for you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Five Keys to Successful Outcomes with PRP Injections

  1. Quality Equipment- we’ve chosen a PRP system created by one of the industry’s leaders in orthobiologic injections.. This is our 5th PRP system to use over the past 12 years. Thus, we are always searching for the best option to produce a high-quality PRP solution.

  2. Appropriate Selection of Patients- we attempt to choose patients and conditions that are excellent candidates for PRP injections. Admittedly, not every patient is an ideal candidate, yet their options may be limited in terms of other forms of treatment, or they are willing to have PRP due to its excellent risk-benefit and cost-benefit ratio compared to more invasive treatments. Partial tendon tears, plantar fasciitis and osteoarthritis of the knee, hip and shoulder comprise 95% of our PRP injections.

  3. Appropriate Pre-Procedure and Post-Procedure Instructions and Compliance-little things can be the difference between PRP succeeding or not succeeding or between a good outcome and a great outcome. For example, it’s important for a patient to be off any anti-inflammatories at least a week before and 2 weeks after a PRP injection. It’s also important to rest the treatment area, and this form of rest really varies depending on the patient and their area treated. A patient’s timetable for return to exercise and/or rehabilitation must be carefully outlined.

  4. Quality Preparation of the PRP solution- not all PRP is the same. The platelet concentration and number of platelets can vary and are important aspects of the potential success of PRP. How much blood we take from the patient and the PRP system dictate these numbers. Also, we typically create a leukocyte-poor (low numbers of white blood cells) for joint injections and leukocyte-rich (higher white blood cells and the highest number of platelets) solution for tendon injections.

  5. Accuracy of the Injection, Preferably with Ultrasound Guidance- using ultrasound for the injection often results in less pain, lower risk, and greater accuracy. We place the PRP exactly where it needs to be and avoid hitting other structures like bone, cartilage, nerves and blood vessels. We often say, “if you’re going to invest your time and money in this procedure, don’t you want it done as precisely as possible?”

More medical professionals are performing platelet-rich plasma injections than ever. This innovative treatment is not going away and will only evolve in the years to come. If you think you are a first-time or repeat candidate for a PRP injections, then come see us!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Tiger Woods and You...

You or someone you know may have something in common with Tiger: plantar fasciitis. Tiger dropped out of the Masters golf tournament last weekend due to severe heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. This all-too-common orthopedic condition afflicts a huge number of middle-aged Americans every year. The most common symptoms are heel pain when first getting out of bed, when barefoot or with prolonged walking, running or sports. Here are some key “Dos” and “Don’ts” when it comes to plantar fasciitis:

What To Do When You Have Plantar Fasciitis:

1) Seek medical attention early: We have many tools in the toolbox to treat this condition, but we first need to need to confirm the diagnosis, set-up a multi-faceted treatment plan, and guide you on your prognosis. Ultrasound, which can be done in our office, is by far the best imaging study to see the plantar fascia. This factors into our concept of PIO- Proactive Interventional Orthopedics.

2) Wear good footwear at ALL times: when in the house, in the yard, at the gym, at the pool, while shopping, going to that concert, socializing with friends and at church. Good footwear means very supportive, not too flexible, and not too cheap. Cheap unfortunately often means lower quality.

3) Consider inserts/orthotics for your shoes: over-the-counter can get the job done, but you’ll need some advice on how to choose these. A high-quality athletic shoe store or a visit to your sports medicine doctor can supply that information. However, custom orthotics prescribed by your physician may really be what you need. We are fortunate to have custom orthotic specialists that work directly with our practice.

4) Consider physical therapy as it’s beneficial for most patients: many cases of PF are related to biomechanical problems, meaning that your calves are too tight, your foot pronates or supinates, your foot muscles are weak or you are overweight. Physical therapy along with weight loss in some individuals can help correct these biomechanical problems.

5) Realize that 10-20% of cases of PF will need an advanced treatment: in our practice, our first-line innovative and advanced treatment for stubborn PF is a platelet-rich plasma injection. PRP uses your own blood and the concentrated growth factors we have produced to reduce inflammation and pain while stimulating a healing response. If this fails, then we move on to a minimally-invasive surgery called a percutaneous fasciotomy using the Tenex system.

What Not To Do When You Have Plantar Fasciitis:

1) Stretch the bottom of the foot: many cases of PF involve tears in the plantar fascia. Although stretching the calf can help, stretching the bottom of the foot often irritates the fascia and can inhibit the healing process.

2) Buy expensive orthotics that are rigid or produced by an “orthotics store”: in our experience, these tend to be very uncomfortable for patients and unsuccessful in treating patients’ symptoms. Stick with an orthotics specialist recommended by an orthopedic/sports medicine physician.

3) Have multiple steroid/cortisone injections: although offered by some orthopedic doctors and podiatrists, we rarely offer these injections for PF and essentially never do more than one. Steoid injections can contribute to further tearing and often impede healing. Some patients feel better in the short term with steroid injections, but are worse in the long term.

4) Run/Walk through the pain: unfortunately, PF will just not get better if you keep doing the things that are causing the problem. So, a period of complete rest or relative rest will be necessary for PF to improve. Relative rest can mean dialing down your walking/running frequency or distance to the point that you stay below your pain threshold.

5) Become impatient: recovery from PF is often in the range of months, not days or weeks. So, once a treatment plan is in place, you’ll have to be patient. We often construct a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. Each plan has 2-4 treatment entities within it and we insitute these for 1-2 months, judge their success and then move on to the next plan if we are not seeing the expected results.

In summary, plantar fasciitis is a condition that requires methodical treatment under the care of an experienced physician. Don’t just trust the advice from your non-medical friend, Dr. Google or YouTube. We are always here to help!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

PRP And The Three "Es"

This sounds like the name of a band, right? Well, we’re referring to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections and three important words that start with an “E” when discussing these procedures.

First, a quick reminder that we use your own blood obtained from an arm vein, a special kit, a centrifuge and a precise separation process to create the PRP. PRP is then a great treatment choice for osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, shoulder and other joints. It’s also an effective treatment for tennis and golfer’s elbow, plantar fasciitis, Achilles and rotator cuff tendon problems, just to name a few. When considering who will perform your PRP injection, you absolutely need to consider the three Es:

Experience: At Impact, Dr. Holmes has been performing PRP injections since 2009. Very few physicians in the Nashville area can claim that level of experience. In addition, we are giving more PRP injections than ever as more and more patients are realizing the benefits of this procedure. Thus, in 2009, we may have given 1-2 PRP injections a month, and now, we give 12-15 a month on average.

Expertise: With experience comes expertise, yet expertise also comes with putting in the work. This means attending conferences, reading and interpreting studies, participating in webinars and interacting with peers who are also experts in the field. Hardly a week goes by that we don’t spend some time fine tuning our expertise in this field. Next, we’ve been pioneers in the sports medicine industry through our ultrasound-guided injections. 14 years of experience with ultrasound and over 10,000 injections later, we consider this to be an area of expertise.

Equipment: PRP is not just PRP, meaning some kits, equipment and the preparation process are better than others. Novices in the field tend to choose lower cost and lower quality PRP systems which often produce fewer numbers and a lower concentration of platelets. At Impact, we are on our 5th PRP system over the past decade. These systems continue to improve, and you deserve a high-quality option. Finally, ultrasound-guidance is paramount when having a PRP injection. Don’t you want this high-powered solution to be injected into the precise location? Without ultrasound guidance, you are proceeding “blindly” and can only hope the injection makes it to the intended location.

Considering a PRP injection for your orthopedic condition? Remember the 3 Es and let us know if we can be of any assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

What Does "Being Proactive Over Reactive" Mean?

Proactive Interventional Orthopedics (PIO)…a concept we will continue to promote. What does it mean in orthopedics to be proactive over reactive? Here are some examples and brief explanations:

Choose maintenance and more long-term injections over short-term steroid/cortisone injections: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid injections often produce a more clinically significant and longer duration of benefit than steroid injections. For your knee and hip arthritis, tennis and golfer’s elbow and plantar fasciitis, just to name a few, choose these injections.

A course of physical therapy over exercises you simply found online: patient outcomes are generally better when you work with a physical therapist over Dr. Google or YouTube. We have fantastic relationships with physical therapists across Middle Tennessee and can work with you to find the best fit.

Regular use of supplements over prescription or over-the-counter medications: there’s a time and place for prescription meds when managing orthopedic conditions. However, for long-term management, we prefer options like curcumin/turmeric, collagen, and glucosamine/chondroitin. That being said, it’s always wise to consult with a physician before starting new supplements.

Don’t wait for your pain or disability to reach high levels before you seek treatment: orthopedic conditions treated early after the onset of symptoms and when pain and dysfunction are at a low level typically respond better to less-invasive treatments, and this early treatment can lower the risk of further damage to the joint or tissue.

Choose a specialist over a primary care physician for your orthopedics needs: PCPs work really hard and a do a great job to care for your overall health, but they do not necessarily have the expertise, the tools such as on-site imaging and advanced equipment or the time to dedicate to your orthopedic conditions.

Healthy eating patterns over a fad diet: weight loss is a vital part of the treatment plan when it comes to weight-bearing joint problems like hip and knee osteoarthritis. Through a variety of options, we can help you a structure a plan to gradually lose weight in a manner that the weight will stay off and through means that can be maintained for the long-term.

As always, let us know if we can help you overcome an injury, treat an orthopedic condition or find the pathway to greater wellness with an improved quality of life!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.