Volleyball season is fast-approaching. Today, let’s discuss the four most common areas of injury, treatment and prevention.
Volleyball was my sport as a youth. I played all year-round, and if I wasn’t in practice or a tournament, I was working out. But is the constant wear and tear on our bodies without rest hurting us even at a young age? In parts, yes. We commonly see athletes whose injuries could have been prevented with a short period of rest or prevention methods. Let’s talk about that:
1. Ankle
Most common: ankle sprain. It comes as no surprise that ankle injuries are one of the most common injuries seen in volleyball. Initial treatment includes RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). However, it is always wise to see an orthopedic provider who can help guide you in treatment, prevention, and return to play. What many people do not know is younger children and teenagers’ growth plates are still open and are also at risk of injury with a twist of the ankle. When growth plates are still open, they are the most vulnerable and at risk for a Salter-Harris fracture which involves the growth plate. After growth plates close, the ligaments become the most vulnerable. I like to tell my patients that ligaments are like the candy Laffy Taffy. Once they are stretched out, they don’t necessarily return to their original state. Thus, prevention and strengthening are imperative.
Prevention: ankle range of motion, strengthening, and balance exercises; keeping footwear up to date; purchasing well-fitting and high-quality footwear; and ankle braces during practice and games.
2. Knee
Most common: patellar tendonitis (chronic) and ACL tears (acute)
Patellar tendonitis, also known as jumper’s knee, is very common due to the amount of jumping volleyball requires. Many times, the athlete will localize the pain right under the kneecap at the proximal aspect of the patellar tendon. Our office utilizes diagnostic ultrasound to look at the characteristics of patellar tendon, identify if there is tearing, compare it to the unaffected size, and determine if there is any new blood vessel formation (neovascularization). Prevention and treatment include stretching and strengthening exercises, a period of rest from jumping, and a patellar tendon strap. Short-term anti-inflammatories can helpful. In difficult cases, we can turn to platelet-rich plasma injections (PRP). Those with an open growth plate at the tibial tuberosity are at risk of developing Osgood-Schlatter’s.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears: Volleyball is relatively high risk for ACL tears due to potentially landing awkwardly after a jump or during pivoting maneuvers frequently required. The ACL is under the most load when the knee is under sudden valgus (knock-kneed) stress. The best preventative options are to strengthen the outer hip, upper thigh, and gluteal muscles along with jump-training techniques to help protect the knee. If diagnosed with an ACL tear, treatment can be conservative or surgical. Those who wish to continue participating in high-risk sports generally opt for surgical intervention.
3. Shoulder
Most Common: Impingement, Labral Tears, Instability, and Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
Those who are hitters in volleyball are at risk for all of these shoulder conditions. Once again, relative rest, recovery, and strengthening are imperative in preventing these conditions. Improvement in form and hitting techniques are often helpful. Injections (occasional steroid, but more commonly PRP) can play a role in more difficult cases.
4. Low Back
Most Common: Lower Back Strain/Sprain (acute) or Spondylolysis
Volleyball requires repetitive bending, twisting, and hyperextension movements which put the low back in vulnerable positions. The biggest takeaway is if you or your child is experiencing low back pain that is not relieved after a couple weeks, please see an orthopedic provider. This could indicate a spondylolysis (a stress fracture) or stress reaction in the bones of the lumbar spine. Low back strains/sprain can be muscular or ligamentous and tend to improve within 2 weeks. If that’s not the case, then we often look for spondylolysis or even disc problems.
As mentioned, strengthening and adequate rest while allowing our bodies to recover are the best ways to prevent these common injuries. However, if these injuries occur and you or your child’s symptoms are unresolved beyond a week or two, please give us a call!
Taylor Moore, NP