Fortunately, 90% of problems that come into an orthopedic clinic do not require surgery.
Approximately 80% of those conditions treated nonsurgically can be treated with traditional treatment measures: rest, activity modification, physical therapy, medications, supplements, lifestyle changes, brace, splint, a boot walker, steroid injection, etc. This is “bread and butter“ treatment administered by an orthopedic/sports medicine physician.
Now, what about that last 20% of non-surgical treatment? That’s often where we have to think “outside the box.” Let’s say in the case of osteoarthritis and tendon problems, that’s where treatment like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can be very helpful. For example, in the case of knee osteoarthritis, how would you like to have less pain, less stiffness, less swelling and better function? What if we could accomplish that with a treatment that is minimally-invasive, safe, proven and natural? As a bonus, this treatment has preventative benefits, meaning we likely are slowing down the cartilage breakdown in your knee. These are the benefits seen with PRP injections.
In the case of tendon or fascia problem like a rotator cuff partial tear, tennis or golfer’s elbow or plantar fasciitis, PRP is designed to be a healing agent. We are using these growth-factor rich injections to accomplish healing, not just make you feel better like a steroid injection might.
Check out a few of our previous blogs, and let us know if we can help you!
F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.