The trend we are seeing is in so many patients is their desire to treat their medical conditions with something more natural, less invasive, safe, effective and preventative. Well, platelet-rich plasma injections really check all of these boxes.
PRP injections have been a part of our treatment regimen for many conditions now for 15 years! Thus, PRP is not some trendy, gimmicky, unproven type of therapy.
If you have knee osteoarthritis and it’s not to the point of requiring a knee replacement, then PRP is probably your most effective option to relieve pain, improve function and stop or slow the deterioration of cartilage in your joint. Unfortunately, steroid (cortisone) and hyaluronic acid (the “gel” injections) do not have this preventative benefit of protecting your cartilage.
Of course, we believe in total body care, so physical therapy, bracing, weight loss, a customized exercise regimen, an anti-inflammatory pattern of eating and certain supplements can all play a very valuable role in treating your pain and osteoarthritis.
If you have a chronic tendon problem such as of the rotator cuff, the Achilles tendon, tennis or golfer’s elbow or plantar fasciitis, then PRP can actually heal these conditions. Steroid injections, on the other hand, often provide more rapid pain relief for these conditions, yet are almost always inferior to PRP injections in studies looking at these patients 6-12 months after these injections. Meaning, if your long-term goal is healing and persistent pain relief, then PRP is the better option.