PRP: Natural/Holistic, Preventative & Effective

The trend we are seeing is in so many patients is their desire to treat their medical conditions with something more natural, less invasive, safe, effective and preventative. Well, platelet-rich plasma injections really check all of these boxes.

PRP injections have been a part of our treatment regimen for many conditions now for 15 years! Thus, PRP is not some trendy, gimmicky, unproven type of therapy.

If you have knee osteoarthritis and it’s not to the point of requiring a knee replacement, then PRP is probably your most effective option to relieve pain, improve function and stop or slow the deterioration of cartilage in your joint. Unfortunately, steroid (cortisone) and hyaluronic acid (the “gel” injections) do not have this preventative benefit of protecting your cartilage.

Of course, we believe in total body care, so physical therapy, bracing, weight loss, a customized exercise regimen, an anti-inflammatory pattern of eating and certain supplements can all play a very valuable role in treating your pain and osteoarthritis.

If you have a chronic tendon problem such as of the rotator cuff, the Achilles tendon, tennis or golfer’s elbow or plantar fasciitis, then PRP can actually heal these conditions. Steroid injections, on the other hand, often provide more rapid pain relief for these conditions, yet are almost always inferior to PRP injections in studies looking at these patients 6-12 months after these injections. Meaning, if your long-term goal is healing and persistent pain relief, then PRP is the better option.

Want to know more? Check out some of our blogs:

Insurance Companies Say PRP Is Experimental…We Sigh — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (

Five Keys to Successful Outcomes with PRP Injections — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (

PRP And The Three "Es" — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (

If you want to take the next step to help yourself in 2025, then let us be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Orthopedic Injections: What Not To Do

Injections are one of the most commonly used interventions in an orthopedic practice. Yet, where, how and what is injected is of vital importance, and certain approaches are just not in the best interest of the patient. Here are injections we prefer you avoid:

1) Injections for musculoskeletal conditions given in a chiropractic or primary care office. Both chiropractors, chiropractic mid-levels (NPs and PAs) along with PCPs all often do a great job in their respective specialties. However, giving injections optimally is just not in their wheelhouse. Therefore, if an injection is needed or suggested, then seek the expertise of an orthopedic specialist.

2) Receive a series of steroid injections for soft tissue conditions, such as plantar fasciitis, tennis/golfer’s elbow or gluteal tendinopathy (often mislabeled as “hip bursitis”). We often use the statement, “better in the short term, worse in the long-term.” This really applies to situations when multiple steroid injections are given in a short period of time, as they ultimately can lead to further breakdown and tearing of these tendons/fascia.

3) Receive a steroid injection for Achilles, patellar or quadriceps tendon problems. These tendons are much higher risk for rupture, especially if exposed to a steroid injection. If anyone suggests a steroid for one of these conditions, then RUN (figuratively)!

4) Pay top dollar for an orthobiologic injection such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) without ultrasound guidance. It’s your choice to have this injection if it’s non-guided but just realize that accuracy is so important with this type of injection. There is no way to ensure the solution is making it to the intended area without ultrasound.

5) Receive “stem cell” injections that do not come from your own tissue. If a stem cell injection is being suggested, it should be derived from your bone marrow or your adipose (fat) tissue. Most of these products "ordered for you” do not actually contain any live stem cells, and at this point, are not approved by the FDA for usage in musculoskeletal conditions.

As always, let us know if we can help you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Why Me? Why So Many Tendon Problems?

If you are 40 years old or above, it’s probably not “if” but “when” you are going to have a tendon problem. Tendons connect our muscles to bones, but as we age, they become problematic. Common tendon problems include/involve the rotator cuff, tennis and golfer’s elbow, Achilles tendon, posterior tibialis tendon and then the plantar fascia, which behaves like a tendon but technically is a ligament.

Thus, these conditions are usually a disease of the middle-aged and older. What are the causative factors for what we call tendonopathy?

-acute injury to the tendon

-overuse activities






So, to treat tendonopathy, we have to address these factors with genetics being an exception, as this can’t be changed.

Thus. we have to modify activities, either temporarily or permanently, especially avoiding overuse situations.

We want to reduce inflammation, and this can be achieved multiple ways: medications, steroid injections, supplements and an improved diet can all play a role. Medications and steroids can be very helpful in the short term but are not always a long-term solution. Platelet-rich plasma injections can be a great option to promote long-term management of inflammation and the actual healing of a tendon.

Biomechanics are often improved through changes in movement patterns, improved flexibility and strengthening. At times, footwear changes and orthotics can play a role as well.

As we often preach, early treatment of a tendon problem usually produces better outcomes than late treatment, but either way, we’ve got you covered. Don’t be discouraged if you have one or more tendon problems, knock on our door and we’ll be more than happy to share our expertise!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Five Financial "Must Knows" Relating To Your Healthcare

Not too long ago, it was considered taboo for physicians to discuss money issues with patients. Now, it’s irresponsible not to do so. Therefore, let me share 5 quick considerations pertaining to the blending of your finances and your healthcare:

  1. You must save additional money for your healthcare. Deductibles are rising, fewer procedures are being covered and overall, all costs in healthcare are rising. You can’t just save enough money to pay your insurance premium each month. You must plan with an additional reserve.

  2. A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a great tool to have. Either you can contribute to this periodically and use it for your out-of-pocket medical expenses as they arise, or you can choose to invest this money in your HSA account and allow it grow to tax free while saving it for later. Either way, your contributions are tax deductible.

  3. Insurance companies’ mantra: “Deny, Deny, Deny.” We are seeing more procedures and valuable interventions such as MRIs, physical therapy visits and certain injections get denied by insurance. Now, some of these can eventually get approved, but not without a lot of extra work put in by the physician and his/her office staff. Insurance denials are a cost-containment measure for these for-profit companies. There’s nothing wrong with being a for-profit business, but you have to realize this as you approach your relationship with your insurance company.

  4. Some of the best procedures in orthopedics are not covered by insurance. This includes innovative procedures such as PRP injections and certain surgeries. Insurance companies are often slow to catch-up with the latest and most effective treatments in medicine.

  5. Except for those with Medicare and Medicaid, we really need to consider insurance coverage as “catastrophic” medical coverage. Meaning, we have insurance to help cover the majority of the expenses in the event of a major surgery, a hospitalization or cancer treatment as examples.

In summary, we have to shift our thinking regarding how we budget for our current and future healthcare. I want all of us to receive the best medical care possible. To do that, we have to be prepared financially.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

You Turned 50 and Now Have Pain. You Are Not Alone!

Yes, so many of our patients reach the harsh reality that their body doesn’t feel “normal” when they reach those glorious middle ages. For many, this can be a lonely feeling, as they feel like they are unique with their aches and pains. Well, we are here to tell you, you’re not unique, and you’re not alone. And that’s a good thing.

Although there is a reality check that has to occur with an understanding that those aches and pains will often be there, that doesn’t mean that you have to “give in” to these. Some of these conditions can be effectively cured while others can be managed to the point where symptoms are mild, tolerable and do not significantly inhibit you. The good news is that the large majority of these conditions do not need surgery. More than ever, we have a large number of tools in the toolbox to manage chronic tendon problems, arthritis as well as ongoing strains and sprains.

Don’t just rely on “Dr. Google” for your health care. We can provide cost-effective, but very sound advice and treatment interventions to help you feel better, function better and have a greater quality of life.

Typically, when a patient presents with a pain or injury, we will cover all of these aspects of care:

  • what forms of exercise can still be utilized

  • what “relative rest” looks like for you

  • appropriate use of medication

  • supplements that may benefit you

  • the potential for physical therapy or a rehab program

  • various types of injections that may help manage or overcome your condition

  • lifestyle modifications including weight loss, improvement in ergonomics & sleep habits and stress reduction

  • only surgery if we feel it is absolutely necessary

An older physician once told me, “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”  So, don’t suffer and know that we are here to help you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Knee Replacement Soon? Hit the Pause Button...

So many patients with knee osteoarthritis ask me the question “well, if I’m eventually going to require knee replacement, shouldn’t I go ahead and have it done now?”

Well, there’s not just one answer to that question, but here are some of my replies:

-Most knee replacements only last 15 to 25 years. After that, the implants start to loosen, creating pain, swelling or a sense of instability.

-Most patients are at higher risk for surgical complications at the time of a second surgery, known as a “revision,” simply due to their age and likelihood of having more significant medical conditions.

-Surgical techniques are improving with breakthroughs every two or three years. Robotically-assisted replacements and having replacements as an outpatient surgery are two recent examples. More advancements are sure to come.

-One should never base the need to have knee replacement on the appearance of the x-rays. Some patients with “bone-on-bone” arthritis have minimal pain and excellent function. These patients don’t need a replacement.

-What often produces the most pain is an unhealthy environment within the knee joint, some of which may be controlled with injections like platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

-We also believe that PRP may put a stop sign or at least a yellow light on cartilage deterioration. We do not make guarantees about cartilage regrowth, but if we can stabilize a patient’s current cartilage and slow or stop the deterioration, then we are slowing the process of osteoarthritis and perhaps delaying the need for knee replacement.

-For a joint condition like arthritis, we often think of PRP as a maintenance treatment, not just a one-time application. Much like the maintenance for your car, you don’t just take it to the mechanic once or twice and then get a new car. This is an ongoing process.

-Assuming a patient is in that 80% success group with PRP treatments, one should plan on likely having repeat PRP injections every 1 to 2 years. This is a great long-term investment in the health of your knee.

-Want to know more about PRP? Check out this blog:

Five Simple Reasons You Should Consider Platelet-Rich Plasma — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (

In summary, for some individuals, knee replacement is inevitable, but there can be great value in delaying this surgery to increase the odds that it is required just once in a patient’s lifetime. For others, treatments like PRP can eliminate the need to have a replacement.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Bet You Didn't Know: Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow, one of the most common conditions seen by an orthopedist, is one our favorite diagnoses to make. Why?…because we are almost always able to see complete resolution of the symptoms. Plus, we have numerous traditional and innovative tools in the toolbox to help our patients overcome this often stubborn and humbling condition. Here are some fast facts about tennis elbow you probably did not know:

-90% of those with tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, do not play tennis. Weight-lifting, frequent typing, CrossFit, repetitive labor in one’s work or with household chores are frequent causes.

-Teenagers almost never get tennis elbow. Why? They have an amazing ability for their tendons to recover much faster and more efficiently than middle age and older individuals.

-Lateral epicondylitis is the medical term for tennis elbow and may be one of the more misnamed conditions in orthopedics. This implies there is inflammation of the bone on the outside of the elbow, but instead, this is a tendon problem.

Patients who receive cortisone/steroid injections are often better in the short term but worse in the long term. Our own experience and the medical literature validates this.

Neovascularization, essentially new blood for vessel formation, commonly occurs in advanced cases of tennis elbow. Increased blood flow seems like it would be a good thing for the tendon, but in reality, is a sign of more advanced tendon damage.

We believe that adjacent to those new blood vessels in the tendon are new nerves that are very hypersensitive and only make you feel pain. This is why many patients with advanced cases of tennis elbow complain of “burning” over the lateral elbow.

Platelet-rich plasma injections, now a commonly used and innovative treatment option for many orthopedic conditions, were first studied in the medical literature about 15 years ago in treating tennis elbow. PRP remains one of our advanced treatment options for tennis elbow.

One of our best treatment options for very stubborn cases of tennis elbow is the Tenex procedure. Not many people know about Tenex because we are one of the few physicians in middle Tennessee who have expertise in performing this procedure. We’ve done it for 11 years, and it involves a tiny incision, local anesthesia only, and use of a small needle-like device to excise the unhealthy part of the tendon. No stitches are required and only about two minutes of actual treatment time in the operating room. It carries a 95% success rate in our experience.

If you have pain on the outside of your elbow that is interfering with your quality of life, then come see us. We will have some great options for you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Hamstring Strains- The All Too Common Injury

Picture this….an explosive movement that involves hip flexion and knee extension. What could go wrong? Well, this is the mechanism of a hamstring strain or tear. The classic actions are jumping, kicking, or running. Occasionally, a pop will be felt. We see hamstring strains and tears in our practice often, and frequently, the patient is mistreating their hamstring pathology by the time they get to us. Because of this, we hope this blog will provide education on appropriate first-line treatment before and when you seek medical attention.

First, can anyone name the three hamstring muscles? The answer is: Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. What’s the common injury in Major League Baseball: you’re thinking a shoulder or elbow problem, right? Not so fast…a hamstring strain is the most common injury in baseball, and likely the NFL and Major League Soccer as well.

Hamstring strain/tear prevention: proper warm-up, dynamic stretching, adequate rest and recovery, and strengthening. Specifically, the quadriceps muscles tend to get a lot more attention than our hamstrings because they are “look good” muscles. However, neglecting the hamstrings and creating a muscle imbalance definitely increases one’s risks of a hamstring injury. Also in regards to prevention, when a hamstring starts to feel tight or crampy, then that’s a warning sign. It’s then wise to minimize those explosive activities that often lead to a major strain.

In terms of radiographic diagnosis, x-rays are primarily only helpful to evaluate a patient for an avulsion fracture when the pain and strain is near the ischial tuberosity. These fractures are most common in skeletally immature patients such as younger teenagers with open growth plates. Musculoskeletal ultrasound, one of our areas of expertise, is a great and inexpensive way to visualize and grade hamstring strains in our office. Finally, an MRI is the most complete test to visualize a hamstring injury, but is not necessary in most patients and certainly the most expensive and time-consuming test.

Complete tears: If a complete tear is found, particularly proximally (at the origin at the “sit bone”), then surgical reconstruction is the typical treatment. I once knew someone who had liquid courage, (a.k.a., too much alcohol) on board and attempted to do the splits. He made it down into the splits but the explosiveness of the movement caused his hamstring to avulse off of the ischial tuberosity. He had to undergo surgery to reattach it. Needless to say, don’t try to do the splits, folks! Fortunately, complete tears are rare.

Strain/partial tear: This is most commonly the hamstring pathology we see. Hamstring injuries take a long time to heal. With proper treatment, this can be accelerated. The BIGGEST piece of advice I can give initially after the strain is DO NOT STRETCH the hamstring. It will commonly feel tight and feel like you need to stretch, but this will only strain the tendon and muscle belly further. Rest and activity modification are important steps in recovery. This even means to not lead up the stairs with the affected leg or bending at the waist, but instead with at your knees. Any activity that can tug on the hamstring, you should avoid. Other treatment options include thigh sleeve, steroid injection, physical therapy, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections under the guidance of musculoskeletal ultrasound. PRP becomes a great option for proximal hamstring tendon problems that persist beyond a few months. We most commonly see this problem in long distance runners.

Recurrence: hamstring injuries are highly prone to recurrence. This is often due to a return to activity or sport too quickly and/or inadequate rehabilitation. This is why having an expert guide you in your recovery often decreases your risk of re-injury.

In a nutshell, if you have an acute or chronic hamstring injury, it’s best to seek medical attention as opposed to managing this yourself. Proper diagnosis, grading of the strain, discussion of treatment and prevention strategies along with a return-to-play/exercise plan is what we offer our patients.

As always, let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

Taylor Moore, NP and F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Tiger Woods and You...

You or someone you know may have something in common with Tiger: plantar fasciitis. Tiger dropped out of the Masters golf tournament last weekend due to severe heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. This all-too-common orthopedic condition afflicts a huge number of middle-aged Americans every year. The most common symptoms are heel pain when first getting out of bed, when barefoot or with prolonged walking, running or sports. Here are some key “Dos” and “Don’ts” when it comes to plantar fasciitis:

What To Do When You Have Plantar Fasciitis:

1) Seek medical attention early: We have many tools in the toolbox to treat this condition, but we first need to need to confirm the diagnosis, set-up a multi-faceted treatment plan, and guide you on your prognosis. Ultrasound, which can be done in our office, is by far the best imaging study to see the plantar fascia. This factors into our concept of PIO- Proactive Interventional Orthopedics.

2) Wear good footwear at ALL times: when in the house, in the yard, at the gym, at the pool, while shopping, going to that concert, socializing with friends and at church. Good footwear means very supportive, not too flexible, and not too cheap. Cheap unfortunately often means lower quality.

3) Consider inserts/orthotics for your shoes: over-the-counter can get the job done, but you’ll need some advice on how to choose these. A high-quality athletic shoe store or a visit to your sports medicine doctor can supply that information. However, custom orthotics prescribed by your physician may really be what you need. We are fortunate to have custom orthotic specialists that work directly with our practice.

4) Consider physical therapy as it’s beneficial for most patients: many cases of PF are related to biomechanical problems, meaning that your calves are too tight, your foot pronates or supinates, your foot muscles are weak or you are overweight. Physical therapy along with weight loss in some individuals can help correct these biomechanical problems.

5) Realize that 10-20% of cases of PF will need an advanced treatment: in our practice, our first-line innovative and advanced treatment for stubborn PF is a platelet-rich plasma injection. PRP uses your own blood and the concentrated growth factors we have produced to reduce inflammation and pain while stimulating a healing response. If this fails, then we move on to a minimally-invasive surgery called a percutaneous fasciotomy using the Tenex system.

What Not To Do When You Have Plantar Fasciitis:

1) Stretch the bottom of the foot: many cases of PF involve tears in the plantar fascia. Although stretching the calf can help, stretching the bottom of the foot often irritates the fascia and can inhibit the healing process.

2) Buy expensive orthotics that are rigid or produced by an “orthotics store”: in our experience, these tend to be very uncomfortable for patients and unsuccessful in treating patients’ symptoms. Stick with an orthotics specialist recommended by an orthopedic/sports medicine physician.

3) Have multiple steroid/cortisone injections: although offered by some orthopedic doctors and podiatrists, we rarely offer these injections for PF and essentially never do more than one. Steoid injections can contribute to further tearing and often impede healing. Some patients feel better in the short term with steroid injections, but are worse in the long term.

4) Run/Walk through the pain: unfortunately, PF will just not get better if you keep doing the things that are causing the problem. So, a period of complete rest or relative rest will be necessary for PF to improve. Relative rest can mean dialing down your walking/running frequency or distance to the point that you stay below your pain threshold.

5) Become impatient: recovery from PF is often in the range of months, not days or weeks. So, once a treatment plan is in place, you’ll have to be patient. We often construct a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. Each plan has 2-4 treatment entities within it and we insitute these for 1-2 months, judge their success and then move on to the next plan if we are not seeing the expected results.

In summary, plantar fasciitis is a condition that requires methodical treatment under the care of an experienced physician. Don’t just trust the advice from your non-medical friend, Dr. Google or YouTube. We are always here to help!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

What is a Sports Medicine Provider, and Can I See One?

You may be asking yourself what is a Sports Medicine provider? To be honest with you, I only found out the difference between sports medicine and general orthopedics in my last semester of Nurse Practitioner school. Because of this, I want to provide more insight into the differences so that you can be educated and empowered in choosing an orthopedic specialist that best fits your needs.

Sports Medicine is a specialty underneath the orthopedics umbrella. Just like you can see specialists who see only hips, shoulders and knees, foot and ankle, or the spine, you can see a sports medicine specialist. Dr. Clarke Holmes and I are Orthopedic Sports Medicine Providers. What might differentiate a sports medicine provider from a general or specialty orthopedist? Here are few key points:

1.      One stop shop: Sports Medicine Providers see orthopedic conditions from the top of your head (concussions) to the tip of your toes, and everything in between

2.      Conservative treatment options versus jumping right into surgery: Dr. Holmes and I will always be transparent with our patients if surgery is the best option, but why not try utilizing all the nonsurgical options first if surgery is not necessary?

3.      We are experts in minimally-invasive procedures that can either prevent surgery or be an alternative to surgery: For example, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are very successfully used for partial tendon tears and osteoarthritis of numerous joints. See our PRP blogs or check out our social media posts to learn more about PRP.

4.      Improved accuracy of our injections by utilizing musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound guidance. Ultrasound is becoming a mainstay in the sports medicine world, and we’ve used MSK ultrasound for over a decade. We also use this daily to diagnose tendon tears, bursitis, joint swelling and ganglion cysts.

5.      Holistic treatment: We care about the patient as a whole person and do not see them as just a body part, a diagnosis or a potential surgery.  We develop a plan of action with the  patient that considers what activities they like to do, their occupation, weight, nutrition, mental health and any other contributors to formulate an individualized treatment plan.

6.      YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE AN ATHLETE TO SEE A SPORTS MEDICINE PROVIDER. Yes, we experts in treating athletes ranging from the youth to the professional ranks, but we also treat those who do not consider themselves an athlete. In addition, we see patients of all ages and all activity levels. One of my favorite things to treat is arthritis, even in those who do not exercise and just want their pain to decrease and daily function/activities to improve.

Hopefully this has provided clarification on the differences between a sports medicine orthopedic specialist and a other types of orthopedists. As always, let us know if we can be a resource to you!

Taylor Moore, NP

PRP And The Three "Es"

This sounds like the name of a band, right? Well, we’re referring to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections and three important words that start with an “E” when discussing these procedures.

First, a quick reminder that we use your own blood obtained from an arm vein, a special kit, a centrifuge and a precise separation process to create the PRP. PRP is then a great treatment choice for osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, shoulder and other joints. It’s also an effective treatment for tennis and golfer’s elbow, plantar fasciitis, Achilles and rotator cuff tendon problems, just to name a few. When considering who will perform your PRP injection, you absolutely need to consider the three Es:

Experience: At Impact, Dr. Holmes has been performing PRP injections since 2009. Very few physicians in the Nashville area can claim that level of experience. In addition, we are giving more PRP injections than ever as more and more patients are realizing the benefits of this procedure. Thus, in 2009, we may have given 1-2 PRP injections a month, and now, we give 12-15 a month on average.

Expertise: With experience comes expertise, yet expertise also comes with putting in the work. This means attending conferences, reading and interpreting studies, participating in webinars and interacting with peers who are also experts in the field. Hardly a week goes by that we don’t spend some time fine tuning our expertise in this field. Next, we’ve been pioneers in the sports medicine industry through our ultrasound-guided injections. 14 years of experience with ultrasound and over 10,000 injections later, we consider this to be an area of expertise.

Equipment: PRP is not just PRP, meaning some kits, equipment and the preparation process are better than others. Novices in the field tend to choose lower cost and lower quality PRP systems which often produce fewer numbers and a lower concentration of platelets. At Impact, we are on our 5th PRP system over the past decade. These systems continue to improve, and you deserve a high-quality option. Finally, ultrasound-guidance is paramount when having a PRP injection. Don’t you want this high-powered solution to be injected into the precise location? Without ultrasound guidance, you are proceeding “blindly” and can only hope the injection makes it to the intended location.

Considering a PRP injection for your orthopedic condition? Remember the 3 Es and let us know if we can be of any assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Three Common Financial Misconceptions in the Medical World

Understanding the complexity of various medical expenses can be overwhelming for a patient. We medical professionals are patients too! Even for us, sometimes the numbers just don’t make sense. At Impact Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, our desire is to educate patients regarding the value of these office visits and procedures and their potential out-of-pocket costs, so that they can make informed decisions regarding their health care from both a medical and economic perspective.

Here are three common misconceptions when it comes to medical expenses:

  1. If my physician is not in-network with my insurance company, my medical expenses will be higher: until patients meet their deductibles, they typically will pay out-of-pocket for office visits, diagnostic tests and procedures. The amount a patient pays can also depend on a patient’s out-of-network provisions in their plan and/or the amount an out-of-network provider chooses to bill the patient. Often an out-of-network provider will ask the patient to pay cash, and this amount can be and often is less than the contracted amount an in-network provider has with your insurance. Example: you have Insurance X, a plan that has accepted very few in-network physicians. You have not met your deductible and you see an in-network orthopedic specialist for a consult. You have an office visit and x-rays. Insurance X allows $150 for the office visit and $50 for the x-rays. You now owe that in-network physician $200. Alternatively, you see a provider at our practice as we are in-network with most insurance plans, but not with Insurance X. We charge you $120 for the office visit and $30 for x-rays. Thus, your bill with us is $150, a $50 savings compared to the in-network provider.

  2. If a procedure is not covered by insurance, it will cost me more in the long run: as an example, let’s use a procedure such as a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection. PRP has been used in orthopedics for 15 years. It has never been covered by insurance (although it should be in certain circumstances…that’s a whole different conversation). You have stubborn plantar fasciitis. You’ve done all the typical treatments, but your heel still really hurts. You consult with a foot surgeon who offers an open or endoscopic plantar fascia release surgery. Guess what, your insurance covers this procedure! However, you have a $5000 deductible, and you are nowhere near meeting this. This surgery will have charges from the surgery center, the anesthesiologist and the foot surgeon. Let’s say that your total cost for this surgery is $3000 with a 75% success rate, a 4-month recovery and some risk of additional complications. Compare this to one or two PRP injections, with each injection costing you $800. PRP, in our opinion, will have similar success rates and recovery times with fewer complications. $1600 for PRP versus $3000 for the surgery, even though the surgery is “covered by insurance.”

  3. When it comes to an office visit or the same procedure done at different practices, insurance companies pay or allow the same amount for each physician/practice: did you know that all practices, hospitals and other medical businesses have contracted rates of payments with private insurers (non-Medicare, non-Medicaid)? If a physician is part of a bigger organization such as a hospital or a large private practice, then that group typically has greater negotiating power and can obtain higher reimbursement rates from the insurance companies. These rates have nothing to do with the quality of medical care, the training or experience level of the providers or the success rates of their interventions. So, let’s say you see a physician associated with a hospital system. You haven’t met the deductible, and you are billed for a Level 4 new patient visit. Your insurance allows $200 for that visit to that provider. Alternately, your household family member sees a physician at a smaller practice like ours, also is billed for a Level 4 new patient visit, yet the same insurance only allows for $150 for that visit, even though the same level of care was provided. So, you owe $50 more to that hospital-based practice than your family member owes to the smaller private practice. Thus, it’s important to realize that often cost really does vary based on who you are seeing, and your cost is not associated with the quality of the care.

    At Impact Sports Medicine, cost education and financial transparency are very important to the physician-patient relationship. We strive to provide the highest quality of care for a reasonable out-of-pocket cost to you.

    F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

TENex Gets a 10!

Are you looking for permanent relief from tennis or golfer’s elbow? Are you tired of having elbow and forearm pain with lifting, gripping and grabbing, even with items like your phone or coffee mug? Are your workouts in the gym or tennis or golf severely hampered by these symptoms? Well, then look no further than the Tenex procedure. This is an innovative minimally invasive procedure developed 13 years ago in conjunction with the renowned Mayo Clinic. Dr. Holmes has performed more Tenex procedures than any other physician in middle Tennessee over the past 10 years.

The Tenex procedure, also termed a percutaneous tenotomy, is a great option for tennis or golfer’s elbow (also known as lateral or medial epicondylitis, respectively) that has not healed with rest and other possible treatments such as medications, physical therapy, injections, or bracing.

We go to the operating room, give the patient an injection of lidocaine only, a numbing agent. We get to avoid the sedation, cost and side effects of general anesthesia (getting put to sleep).

A tiny incision of about 1/4 inch is made. A small hand piece with a needle tip is inserted through the incision. Under ultrasound-guidance, this tip is inserted to the damaged part of the tendon and ultrasonic energy allows the tip to debride and remove the unhealthy portion of the tendon while leaving the healthy portion alone. Two minutes of treatment time or less and you are on the road to recovery.

No stitches required, just a few small steri-strips, followed by a small dressing and you are out the door, headed towards tendon healing, and eventually becoming pain-free.

Post-operatively, you wear a wrist splint for at least 2 weeks, and we restrict lifting for about 6 weeks. Our golfers, tennis players and weightlifters can usually gradually resume these activities at the 3-month mark. There is no “quick fix” for these conditions, yet Tenex offers a permanent solution to an often-stubborn problem.

We’ve done in the range of 500 of these procedures over the past 11 years with excellent results.

This procedure really beats the option of steroid injections, which often make the condition worse in the long term. The alternative to Tenex is a larger surgery requiring a 2-inch incision and a much longer recovery.

In our book, the Tenex procedure gets a rating of 10!

What Does "Being Proactive Over Reactive" Mean?

Proactive Interventional Orthopedics (PIO)…a concept we will continue to promote. What does it mean in orthopedics to be proactive over reactive? Here are some examples and brief explanations:

Choose maintenance and more long-term injections over short-term steroid/cortisone injections: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid injections often produce a more clinically significant and longer duration of benefit than steroid injections. For your knee and hip arthritis, tennis and golfer’s elbow and plantar fasciitis, just to name a few, choose these injections.

A course of physical therapy over exercises you simply found online: patient outcomes are generally better when you work with a physical therapist over Dr. Google or YouTube. We have fantastic relationships with physical therapists across Middle Tennessee and can work with you to find the best fit.

Regular use of supplements over prescription or over-the-counter medications: there’s a time and place for prescription meds when managing orthopedic conditions. However, for long-term management, we prefer options like curcumin/turmeric, collagen, and glucosamine/chondroitin. That being said, it’s always wise to consult with a physician before starting new supplements.

Don’t wait for your pain or disability to reach high levels before you seek treatment: orthopedic conditions treated early after the onset of symptoms and when pain and dysfunction are at a low level typically respond better to less-invasive treatments, and this early treatment can lower the risk of further damage to the joint or tissue.

Choose a specialist over a primary care physician for your orthopedics needs: PCPs work really hard and a do a great job to care for your overall health, but they do not necessarily have the expertise, the tools such as on-site imaging and advanced equipment or the time to dedicate to your orthopedic conditions.

Healthy eating patterns over a fad diet: weight loss is a vital part of the treatment plan when it comes to weight-bearing joint problems like hip and knee osteoarthritis. Through a variety of options, we can help you a structure a plan to gradually lose weight in a manner that the weight will stay off and through means that can be maintained for the long-term.

As always, let us know if we can help you overcome an injury, treat an orthopedic condition or find the pathway to greater wellness with an improved quality of life!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Introducing the Concept of PIO

As sports medicine providers, we are all about “getting ahead in the game.” Therefore, we have coined the term and are developing the concept of PIO (“pie-o”). PIO stands for proactive interventional orthopedics. You’ve possibly heard of interventional cardiologists or interventional radiologists. These are the physicians that are specialists in their field, but use less-invasive means to treat your condition. For example, the interventional cardiologist will perform angioplasty or a stent procedure, whereas the cardiovascular surgeon would be the physician to do the more-invasive coronary artery bypass surgery, when necessary.

In our field, PIO involves using less-invasive interventions such as injections, weight loss, physical therapy/exercise programs, and various supplements to “get ahead” of your musculoskeletal conditions that either currently are or will soon bring you pain, disability, and dysfunction. The field of orthopedics has typically been “reactive,” meaning you only go to the doctor when you have a significant problem. Unfortunately, when you are only reactive instead of proactive, treatment interventions become more invasive, higher risk, and sometimes less successful.

Here’s how we can use PIO to help you if have arthritis, tennis/golfer’s elbow, rotator cuff or Achilles problems, plantar fasciitis or other chronic conditions: we will customize a plan to reduce pain, improve function and quality of life in a cost-effective manner.

Here are links to two of our other blogs that explain the process and benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, often part of PIO treatment program.

Why Insurance Does Not Pay For Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections, But Why That Should Not Deter You — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (

Five Simple Reasons You Should Consider Platelet-Rich Plasma — Impact Sports Medicine & Orthopedics (

If you would like to discuss the concept of Proactive Interventional Orthopedics and how this may be a benefit to you in 2023, then please give us a call. We would love to customize a treatment protocol for you.

Why Insurance Does Not Pay For Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections, But Why That Should Not Deter You

Platelet-rich plasma injections, commonly known as PRP, have been utilized in orthopedics for at least the past 15 years. The first studies in orthopedics looked at PRP being utilized for tennis elbow, and the results were promising.

Fast forward 15 years and now platelet rich plasma has become a mainstay in the treatment of many orthopedic conditions, ranging from osteoarthritis to tendon and ligament problems. An estimated 60% of orthopedic practices now offer PRP to their patients and while some physicians can claim true expertise in this type of treatment, other practices remain novices when it comes to the application of PRP.

Now, to answer the question in the title of this blog, “why do insurance companies not cover PRP….” We will provide an educated opinion with several bullet points.

-Many insurance companies claim that PRP injections are “experimental.” Experimental is a very broad term that can be applied in numerous ways. What classifies something as experimental? In my opinion, this is something that has been utilized for a very short period of time and has very few studies or anecdotal pieces of evidence to demonstrate a sustained rate of efficacy. Meaning, this treatment hasn’t been used for very long, has not been used on very many patients, and we really don’t know what the short-term or long-term results are.

When it comes to PRP, I would say we are light years beyond the experimental stage. For many years, PRP has been used not only in orthopedics, but also in plastic surgery, wound care, dermatology/aesthetics and hair-loss situations, to just name a few. PRP has demonstrated a long track record of safety, and the overwhelming majority of studies demonstrate that patients benefit from these procedures. So, in my mind as a physician of nearly 25 years who has studied medical data for his entire career, I would no longer classify PRP broadly as experimental. Are more studies regarding PRP necessary? Of course. Yet this is true for every treatment in medicine. Trust me when I tell you that there are numerous treatments in all fields of medicine being utilized right now that have been studied far less than PRP.

-Next, the truth is that insurance providers these days are looking to pay for fewer and fewer of your medical expenses. We have to get away from the mentality that “I have health insurance, and it should cover all of my medical needs.” In truth, we are probably getting back to a model where insurance should be used for major health expenses and catastrophic situations, not for most of your routine day-to-day medical care. Almost all of private insurance companies are for-profit organizations. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, you must realize that their first goal is making a profit to sustain their business. Their first priority is not providing the optimal care for the patient, as often is the case, the optimal care is not the least expensive. So, we are constantly preaching to our patients these days that the best treatments in orthopedics are not necessarily the ones you can expect your insurance to cover.

-Finally, to partially take the side of the insurance company, an argument against covering PRP would be that it cannot be “standardized.” We can standardize a medication or certain forms of medical equipment, but we cannot standardize a patient’s blood. Therefore, one person’s PRP may not look like another patient’s PRP, meaning the number of platelets, white cells, etc. may be fairly variable between patients. Also, there are probably 20 to 30 commercially available PRP systems on the market now. None of these produce PRP in exactly the same way, once again, making the argument that PRP injections cannot be completely standardized. For this reason, insurance companies often take a pass on something they don’t view as uniformly the same treatment for every patient.

Now, let’s turn attention to why it really may not matter whether insurance companies cover PRP or not and why you should not be deterred from seeking this treatment.

-First, let’s look at the financial piece. So many of our private insurances require that we first meet our deductible before insurance will pay a significant portion of our medical bill. These deductibles are rising. Until you meet your deductible, you are going to pay out-of-pocket for any office visit, diagnostic test, medical procedure, or medication. Therefore, let’s say you were choosing between a steroid injection versus a platelet-rich plasma injection. Technically, the steroid injection is “covered by your insurance,” but until you meet that deductible, you are going to pay for an office visit and the cost of that steroid injection. So, “covered by insurance” doesn’t mean it’s an expense-free treatment.

-Next, that steroid injection may not be the best treatment for your particular condition. Let’s say you have a partial rotator cuff tear. You either don’t want or don’t need surgery for it. The steroid injection may temporarily alleviate symptoms, but certainly will not heal the partially torn tendon, and in fact, some patients worsen within weeks to months after a steroid injection. Thus, assuming you then are still seeking care for your shoulder pain and torn tendon, you will require additional tests and treatments. This may mean an MRI, a long course of physical therapy, additional medication, or even surgery. Those options, especially when combined, can be very expensive. Although platelet-rich plasma injections are not covered by insurance, they could be the long-term solution to your problem, saving you hundreds to thousands of dollars on other necessary potential treatments. Therefore, why not choose the treatment that will be most successful, not just the one that your insurance states that it covers?

-Finally, gone are the days that you can depend on insurance companies decide what is best for you and your health. I tell patients all the time that I literally could give them 10 steroid injections over the course of the year and cause bodily harm to them and their particular joint or tissue. Insurance companies would reimburse me to do this, often without question. Nevertheless, that is just not the right thing to do. I took an oath as a physician to “first do no harm” which I have continued to practice to the best of my ability. In addition, not only do I want to not do harm, but I also truly desire to help my patient. Therefore, I will help you choose what I believe to be the best and most customized treatment option for your particular situation. This is not always in line with what insurance companies would prefer that I do. I have no desire to be a “rogue” physician, but I’ve dedicated my career to developing an expertise to help my patients. Part of our ability to help our patients lies in the fact that we get to know them personally and their particular situations, goals, desires, comorbidities, and even their financial situations. Therefore, we work as a team with our patients to decide what we believe is best for them. Although it’s very natural to want to pay as little as possible but still get the best outcome, you just can no longer rely on insurance companies to have the authority over these decisions for you.

I realize what is said above gives you a lot to consider. I have a passion for educating our patients on the best treatments for their particular situation, and I am dedicating to doing that for the remainder of my career.

As always, please let us know if we can be of assistance to you!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Impact Sports Medicine and Orthopedics


I am a 28 year-old nurse practitioner and former competitive athlete, and I am strongly considering getting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections for my knees. Why? For one, as a provider, I have witnessed many improved patient outcomes. Two, this procedure is safe, has relatively no side effects, and is minimally-invasive. Lastly, we are seeing that by being proactive with PRP versus reactive when symptoms are present shows even further benefit.

After many years of intense volleyball training, games, and working out without any downtime throughout the year, I developed bilateral knee pain. Although I have no x-ray evidence of osteoarthritis at this time, based on my symptoms, there is no doubt I have cartilage damage. Because of this, I feel that PRP injections, in addition to other conservative treatments I’ve used, will boost the longevity of my knees. 

PRP helps soft tissue, joint, and cartilage pathology. It is a great way to use your own body’s healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems, and there is minimal risk because it uses your own blood. 

What’s our process?

  1. Obtain blood from a vein.

  2. Spin it in a centrifugation system in our office. This separates the components of the blood and concentrates the platelets.

  3. We take the plasma that has platelets that are rich in growth factors to create the PRP injectable solution.

  4. The PRP is then injected under ultrasound guidance in the targeted area.

When injecting the PRP solution to the targeted area, it creates an espresso shot-like effect for your body’s growth factors and repair cells to travel to this area. The main goal is to help repair the damaged area, decrease pain, and improve function. Keep in mind that this is a slow and methodical approach that can take up to 6 months to see maximum benefits. Sometimes more than one PRP injection is needed. How long does PRP last? It varies based on the severity of the patient’s condition, a patient’s activity level, and incorporation of other conservative treatments. Cost can vary per practice. We typical charge $800-$950 (*subject to change) depending on how many locations we are injecting and which centrifugation system we use. Keep in mind that PRP injections are NOT stem cell injections. 

My goal with this blog is to change the thought process that PRP injections should only be used reactively to treat orthopedic conditions and their accompanying symptoms to one instead that utilizes PRP in a proactive approach to slowly repair and stabilize conditions. 

So, why haven’t I had PRP injections in my knees already? Honestly, the only thing holding me back is my nervousness when it comes to needles. 

Interested to see if PRP injections would be helpful for you? We would love to have a consult with you to discuss these in detail! 

Taylor Moore, FNP

Impact Sports Medicine and Orthopedics

You Want To Run in the Turkey Trot, and You Haven’t Even Been Exercising: 5 Tips

Turkey Trot races can be a ton of fun, a great way to celebrate the holiday with the masses and can jump start the winter “get back into shape” mindset. Fortunately, many of these races attract a wide variety of competitors, many of which are not even currently exercising. So, these tips are directed towards those individuals.

1) Update your footwear: If your shoes are greater than a year in age or show wear on the tread, then it’s time to get new shoes ASAP. Choose a high-quality shoe store where an actual shoe-fitting can be done. Just remember, if you’re not paying at least $75, you’re probably getting a lower quality shoe.

2) Start with run-walk intervals, especially if you’ve not run in a good while: Start with intervals of three minutes of walking and then one minute of running. Consider training every other day for the first 2 weeks, then you can start to train daily. Each week, you can phase out some of the walking and add more running. Your ratio can go from 2:1, then 1:1 and eventually, to a majority of running. However, if you don’t consider yourself a big runner, there’s nothing wrong with doing intervals during the race or simply just walking the race.

3) Set realistic goals: It’s less than four weeks to Thanksgiving, and you’re not even exercising. Thus, your goal is to simply to get to the finish line. Don’t put an emphasis on your time either. Enjoy the process of training, getting back into shape and accomplishing a goal on or around Thanksgiving day.

4) Get the race-day wardrobe ready: Pay attention to the weather report a few days before the race. Don’t forget about something to keep your head warm as well as high-quality socks and gloves, especially if the temperature is going to be in the 40s or lower.

5) If you want to do this race with company, then find some friends and family who have a similar pace to you: Don’t plan on competing in a race with a peer who is much faster or slower than you. This can certainly steal your joy and/or put you at risk for injury.

As always, let us know if we can be of any assistance to you!

Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Five Simple Reasons You Should Consider Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections For Your Tendon Or Joint Pain

Let’s make this one quick and easy. Some blogs, we may hit with you great details, information rich in scientific data and opinions full of medical jargon. Today, let’s share some simple information regarding why platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections should be on your radar if you have OSTEOARTHRITIS, TENNIS OR GOLFER’S ELBOW, ACHILLES TENDONOSIS, PLANTAR FASCIITIS, LATERAL HIP, PATELLAR AND ROTATOR CUFF TENDONOSIS, just to name a few.

1) Most of the time, it works: let’s be real, nothing in medicine works all of the time. If we see a significant benefit in 75% of patients or more, then we are all pretty happy with a treatment. In our patient population, PRP meets this criteria.

2) Most medical studies suggest a clinically significant benefit: do a “pub med” search for PRP as it relates to orthopedic conditions. Although some studies always will be too small or of lower quality, once you start to pool the data, you find that PRP is not really “experimental” any more. There are now hundreds of studies looking at patients receiving PRP for arthritis and chronic tendon problems, and the majority of these studies demonstrate a clinically significant benefit with PRP.

3) It’s both natural and safe: PRP is derived from your own blood. It’s designed to concentrate your platelets that contain your growth factors. These growth factors have many positive effects, ranging from inflammation reduction to slowing down the deterioration process within a tendon or joint. Major side effects are extremely rare, and when compared to steroid injections, prescription medications and surgical intervention, PRP is a safer treatment option with fewer adverse effects.

4) It’s a relatively quick office procedure: 5 minutes to set-up and draw the blood, 5 minutes to transfer the blood to the centrifuge system, 10 minutes to spin the blood, 3 minutes to further separate the blood components and capture the PRP, 2 minutes to prep the patient, and 1 minute to give the injection. In some instances, we may first inject a numbing medication (anesthetic) and then give that 10 minutes to work. So, in total, 36 minutes for this procedure done in the office, all in one sitting.

5) Although typically not covered by insurance, it’s likely a wise investment in your health and may save you money in the long run: the days of insurance always covering the best and most innovative procedures for orthopedic conditions are over. If PRP works for you like we expect it to, then you will potentially save money on doctor’s visits, medications, physical therapy, surgical interventions and other treatments. Not to mention that if you have not yet met your deductible, you will pay out-of-pocket for all of the other treatments “covered by insurance” that may be less effective than PRP.

In an nutshell, PRP is not for everyone and every orthopedic condition. We carefully select those patients who we think can “win the battle” with their orthopedic condition with one or more PRP injections. 20+ years of experience in sports medicine and orthopedics and 10+ years utilizing PRP have given us the knowledge to determine what patients may truly benefit from PRP injections. Come see us if you are curious!

F. Clarke Holmes, M.D.

Impact Sports Medicine and Orthopedics

Why Does an Orthopedic Practice Care About a Patient's Weight?

Let’s talk weight. It’s not a fun topic to talk about, but necessary in the medical field. A poll taken earlier this year showed that 48% of Americans admit they have gained weight since the beginning of the Covid outbreak.

Why is this important to orthopedic providers? Weight is a contributor to orthopedic pain. Let me give you an example: there are two patients of the same age and gender with equal severity of knee arthritis. One maintains a healthy weight level, and the other has had a 10 lb. weight gain. For every one pound you’re overweight, there’s an estimated extra four pounds of force on the joints. Therefore, even though they have the same degree of arthritis, it is likely that the overweight patient is struggling more with flares of pain and dysfunction due to that extra 40 lbs. of force going through the knees. 

Not only does maintaining a healthy weight help orthopedic pain, it helps fight against high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea and other sleep disturbances, gallbladder and liver disease, and mental disorders. Overall, a healthy weight has significant health benefits. 

All that being said, losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight isn’t easy, especially when life gets busy. We fall into routines, and it just never seems like there’s enough time in the day. Many people get caught up in the numbers on the scale. If monitoring this is motivational for you, keep stepping on the scale. If weighing yourself is discouraging, use other tools such as how are your clothes fitting, whether you feel better, and are you holding yourself accountable to feeding your body the fuel foods it needs while moving your body more. 

Weight management is 80% eating habits and 20% exercise, and impacting each of these is one huge factor: your overall mental approach to both. Let’s break down each. 

Eating Habits 

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could lose weight while frequently eating foods like sweets and pasta. That would be AMAZING. Unfortunately, that’s not reality. But it doesn’t mean you can’t eat the deemed “unhealthy foods,” or that healthy foods can’t taste good. Another factor to consider is that eating healthier tends to be more expensive.

-limit unhealthy foods and then control the portion sizes when you do splurge. Another good tip is if you know you’re going out for that pizza for dinner, eat healthier for breakfast and lunch. 

-use a free calorie tracking app such as MyFitness Pal. The amount of calories needed depends on age, size, height, gender, and activity level. A calorie deficit is needed to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean you have to always be hungry. It’s all about the foods you choose! Eat foods that keep you full and choose healthy snacks in between. 

-intermittent fasting doesn’t work for everyone. If you’re interested, try fasting from 8 p.m. until 12 p.m. the next day. Black coffee and water are still acceptable to drink during this time. 

-drink plenty of water. The amount will be different from everyone. Drinking an excess amount of water can drop your body’s sodium levels, so don’t go overboard. 

-be mentally prepared on how to approach that dreaded spiral when opportunities to consume unhealthy food present themselves and then have the mental fortitude to decline the temptations.

-don’t go to the grocery store when you’re hungry. This increases the likelihood of buying unhealthy foods. We all know if it’s in the house, it will get eaten. 

-limit eating out or if you do eat out, make healthier choices. 

-incorporate color into every meal, as more color often means more fruits and vegetables. 

-eat when you are hungry, not necessarily simply because it’s meal time, and stop when you are full. 

-if you want to follow or need the accountability through a weight management program, consider Weight Watchers or Noom.

-if you overeat at a meal, move on and don’t shame yourself.

-fueling your body with healthy food choices can also help combat full body inflammation. Here is a link to one of our favorite resources on anti-inflammatory foods that we like to share with our patients.

*Eating habits are not a “one plan fits all”*


Our biggest tip is to just keep moving! Find an activity that gets you moving and that you enjoy physically and mentally. At least 3-4 times a week. Choose an activity that gets your heart rate up and cross train with strengthening. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym. 

-set a timer every hour at work to get up and walk around. Take a walk during your lunch break. 

-get a sit-to-stand desk and alternate every 30 minutes to 1 hour. “Sitting is the new smoking.”

-find a routine and stick to it. Choose a few different activities you can alternate. 

Finally, here are the main keys to successful weight management: consistency, maintaining a positive mindset, positive reflection, smart food choices while also allowing yourself to eat what you want in moderation, and get moving. It’s definitely not easy, but the overall improvement in your physical or mental health will be well worth it. 

If you have found success in losing or maintaining a healthy weight, let us know what helped you!

Taylor Moore, FNP-C

Impact Sports Medicine and Orthopedics